Publication Date: 14th February 2013
Format: Short story, eBook
Zed's Story is a short story from the Benedict series. It's written in the perspective of Zed Benedict, the youngest Benedict brother, and soulfinder of Sky Bright. It contains scenes from before he met Sky, a flashback to when he was nine, when he met Sky, and when he found out they were soulfinders. If you haven't read any of the books in Joss Stirling's series, I highly recommend you do - it's quite high on my list of favourites.
Zed's Story starts off by showing us a glimpse into Zed's life before he met Sky. For those of us readers who've read Finding Sky, you can imagine what he was like back then. However for those of you who haven't, allow me to explain the fact that he was quite a 'bad boy'. His supernatural powers have given him the ability to not only solve crime, but the ability to see the darker side of people straight away - and he hasn't been coping well.
During the story, Stirling gives us an insight into Zed's life when he was nine. So that means that his oldest brothers were probably in their late-teens or early-twenties... it was very entertaining. The reader gets to see their more playful and caring sides, making girls - like me - swoon. I'm so grateful that this flashback was included, and I learned somethings that I never knew about the Benedict household (they used to have a family pet! You'll have to read it to find out what animal it was. Hehe.)
This short story answered a lot of questions that I had about when Zed and Sky first met, like Did he find her as attractive as she found him? Reading Zed's Story helped me figure out Zed's character more, and I admit that Zed's never been a favourite for me. Although after reading this, I think I'll reconsider.
Zed's Story will be available as a free download on Valentines Day 2013. I loved reading it and seeing for myself all the different versions of Zed and I think you will, too.
You can also read my review for Joss Stirling's Seeking Crystal.
A huge thank you to Joss Stirling for making me one of the winners to the 'Zed's Story Competition' and giving me and two others a manuscript - thank you!
5/5 stars - You MUST read this series!
"The girl was still at the piano, stroking the keys. The thought edged in that he wanted to go lie down on it and let her run her fingers over him."Goodreads | Author's Website